February 2016
.it's FEMA camp social media!!!

Inverse proportion
protection-benefit ratio

Please halt absurd interpretations. Turning the military tank upside down doesn't make it Sunday brunch.
The "complete" minus table at maximum Avarice
Please stop the bullshit about women being avarice. If you research "Avarice" you'll find many pictures of woman as the temptress. It's similar to putting furry tree hugging with long finger nails (sloths) in the 7 deadly sins. Or that Silvio Berlusconi is famous and we're not ...
This effort is so G8 leaders will give permission to the world. It's said as permission and less as resolution because government tends to make efforts unnecessarily expensive. If it was "resolution" there would be departments and commissions ... Simply letting business do what it could be good at with some attention to legal court interpretations could just do it...
If your searching for complaints of the spiritual of tyranny...